Myths About Online Notarization


Online notarization has drastically improved how people purchase properties or replace stolen or lost identity documents. The procedure, which was once so complex and time-consuming, has become easier, more efficient, and more accessible. The notarization services help speed public policy enactments by connecting with the notary through phones and computers. On one hand, advanced and new technology are shaping the country’s future, but still, there are myths associated with remote online notarization.

Unsuccessful spotting of fake IDs

During any transaction, a notary takes care of the following

  • Verifying the identity of the signer
  • Understanding of the document before being signed by the signer
  • The willingness or unwillingness of the signer

The notaries usually carry out the function by checking the government-issued identity documents and cards. Additionally, questions are asked to assure the integrity of the notarial act. The online notarization platforms offer notaries with online data-driven identity verification software or tools. This helps to prevent fraudulent identities from being used and also adds additional security and safety to the transactions that take place online. The signers connect only with commissioned notaries after providing valid proof of identity and other authentication stages. When connected, the notary will verify the signer’s identity, similar to any conventional interaction.

Promotes fraud

Due to the spike in internet scams, especially in the real estate landscape, people tend to believe that remote online notarization services also have a role to play in fraudulent activities. Internet scams are successful because digital transactions take place in anonymity. Identity verification plays a significant safety and security role in assuring validity. Furthermore, notarization services are safer than in-person notarizations as the entire session is video recorded. Thus, there is an assurance of protection and consistency for notaries and signers from fraud or scam allegations.

Anyone can carry out online notarizations

This is not a reality, as a notary cannot sign into a video chat platform and start conducting online notarization services. There is a standardized procedure that every notary needs to abide by, whether it is an online or in-person notarization. Hence, the idea that anyone can start online notarizations anywhere is a myth. Furthermore, there is a wide array of recordkeeping and security standards that remote online notarization platforms have to follow strictly. This is one aspect that the majority of people are unaware of, thereby disregarding the services of remote online notarization.

Fails to detect threat or force

It is often opined that online notarization fails to detect force or threat. This is because a webcam or phone camera can only capture what it is in its viewing angle. It is argued that there might be someone else forcing or threatening the signer without the knowledge of the notary. Forcing or threatening is not limited just to someone on the other side of the computer or phone. It can take place subtly, especially with family pressure during in-person notarization. Since online notarization gets recorded, reviewing the session and looking for subtle cues can reveal them.


Unlike false ideas and opinions, notarization services are safer and more efficient than traditional in-person notarization. Because of the strict authentication procedure and identity verification, fraud and scams via online notarization are impossible.

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