How Often Should You Have Your Generator Serviced?


Generators are commonplace in a variety of settings, from homes and offices to commercial and industrial spaces, and help provide continuous power in the event of an outage. While some generators are used sparingly, others are relied on heavily, especially in such areas of business as construction, mining, gas or the healthcare industry, where having a continuous supply of power, 24/7, is crucial for their success. However, no matter how frequently you use your generator, or how little, having it serviced regularly is critical.

The importance of generator servicing

Just as with any product that has a working engine and multiple moving components, there will always be a certain level of maintenance, servicing and repairs to be carried out that can help it continue functioning at its best.

Whether you’ve got a petrol, LPG or diesel-powered 50 kva generator, and no matter if it’s portable, standby, inverter or industrial power generator, it will need key maintenance at certain points in its lifespan, and regular servicing to help prevent potential issues from occurring and keep it performing at its maximum.

Just as we all have our vehicles regularly serviced to keep them in prime condition and alert us to potential problems that may be able to be prevented in a timely manner, so should we have our generators serviced by a qualified engineer or technician. Cars, for instance, have a number of key features that need to be in full working order at all times in order for it to safely and effectively function in the manner you need it to, and things like changing filters, replacing spark plugs and leads, topping up fluids and checking the tyres, are doubtless second nature to most car owners. When it comes to generators, regular and professional servicing can help it not just keep on working year on year, but work at its best; benefitting you and your business.

If you’re a responsible car owner and have it serviced every year (which you definitely should be doing), you should apply the same level of responsibility to your generator. Annual servicing for all types of generators is the minimum requirement, but depending on how often your generator is used and for how long at a time, you may need to have it serviced bi-annually.

For more guidance on how often to have your generator serviced, consult with someone in the know, such as a generator manufacturer or supplier. You can also read through the manufacturers user manual at the time of purchase, to familiarise yourself with any important details or tips that could help you get the best out of your generator, including servicing intervals and general maintenance specific to your model of generator.

By carrying out simple maintenance checks yourself (guided by the user manual or the company who installed it), and scheduling regular services (annual at a minimum) for your generator, you can get the most out of it, and ensure that it keeps on performing at its best, for many more years to come.

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